Teaching Apprenticeships for Graduate Students

Author: Linnie Caye

The Gender Studies Program offers graduate students at Notre Dame the opportunity to serve as Teaching Assistants for our Introduction to Gender Studies undergraduate course.  Two graduate students in good standing in the Gender Studies Graduate Minor program are selected for these positions each spring.  The following fall semester, the students serve as Teaching Assistants for the Associate Director, who instructs the class. The Teaching Assistants participate in the annual review and updating of the course syllabus, teach a few lectures, help grade papers and exams, discuss papers with students and meet weekly with the Associate Director to discuss the course. In the spring semester, the Teaching Assistants co-teach the class, with the Associate Director in an advisory capacity. During the fall, the Teaching Assistants receive standard TA pay; in the spring, they receive adjunct pay. This is an excellent opportunity for graduate students to strengthen their knowledge and pedagogical skills by getting concrete experience teaching Gender Studies. Applications are reviewed in February, and details on applying can be found on the Gender Studies website.

Applicants should send a cover letter (including the name of their advisor and DGS and expected year of graduation), c.v.,  and list of courses taken in Gender Studies. Applicants do not need to have had teaching experience to apply.

Deadline for application submission is no later than Noon on or before the 2nd Friday of February.  Documentation should be sent electronically to gender@nd.edu.