​​​​​​​Because Gender Film Screening: Nine to Five


Location: Browning Cinema

9 To 5 Poster Low Res For Web

Because Gender Film Screening: Nine to Five 
(1980, directed by Colin Higgins) 
Workplace feminism confronts the patriarchal corporate office in this classic labor comedy starring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton. 

A panel discussion featuring visiting historian Ryan Murphy, Assistant Professor of History, Earlham College and author of Deregulating Desire (Temple University Press, 2016), winner of the Organization of  American Historians' David Montgomery Award for the best book on a topic in American labor and working-class history, 2017, will follow the screening. 

Location: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center Browning Cinema

For tickets, visit http://performingarts.nd.edu.

To get on the Beyond Gender / Higgins Labor Program guestlist, go to http://socialconcerns.nd.edu/higgins.