2007 Boehnen Summer Internship Grant Recipients

Author: Melisa Martinez Munoz

Jordan Brooks '08
Coalition on Violence Against Women, Nairobi, Kenya
Jordan will be working with women’s groups in Nairobi, Kenya for the first half of the summer under the auspices of COVAW, the Coalition on Violence Against Women. She’ll end the summer working with a similar program in Syracuse, NY.

Jacquelyn Larson '08
Abbott House, Mitchell, South Dakota
Jacki will be working as part of the support staff at a residential facility for young women with personal, psychological, abuse- or drug-related difficulties.

Maureen Mullen '08
House of the Good Shepherd, Chicago, Illinois
Maureen will be working with a shelter for battered women and their children. The shelter aims to provide a comprehensive recovery and growth program that enables these women to regain their dignity and become self-sufficient.

Stacey Williams '08
Illinois Safe Schools Alliance, Chicago, Illinois
Stacey will be working with a non-profit that offers sensitivity training and anti-prejudice workshops to schools and teachers wishing to create safe, non-threatening school and classroom environments for LGBT students.