Abigail Bartels '16

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Abigail Bartels

Graduation year: 2016

Majors/Minors: Political Science & Gender Studies majors, Theology minors


The Gender Studies Program has given me the opportunity to engage with ideas that permeate my research and study in political science and in theology. I kept running into gender questions in those disciplines - why do women and men vote differently? why did Jesus come to Earth as a man and not as a woman? - and decided it would be better to answer these questions with a background in gender studies. I started by taking the introductory level class just to get more of a basis in answering gendered questions, and I ended up accidentally double majoring! The Gender Studies Program provided a perfect complement to my studies. Taking that first class was one of the best decisions I made during my time as an undergraduate at Notre Dame.