Call for Graphic Artist

Author: Linnie Caye

Call For Graphic Artist Poster

Call for Graphic Artist

Through Gendered Lenses
An Undergraduate Academic Journal
in Gender Research and Scholarship


The Gender Studies Program seeks a student graphic artist to produce the cover artwork for Through Gendered Lenses, the annual undergraduate research journal published by Triota, the Gender Studies Honor Society. It is preferred (but not required) for the artwork to reflect in some way the workings of gender and/or sexuality in the Notre Dame community. Abstract imagery is welcome. Past experience in graphic design is preferred. The artist will be paid $150 for their contribution.


To apply, please e-mail the following to

  • A resume with your contact information and past experience in graphic art or design
  • A copy of one of your pieces of art
  • A written, detailed description about your idea for the cover


The chosen artist’s cover art must be completed and submitted no later than January 21, 2019.


Application Deadline: November 30, 2018