Call for Papers - Through Gendered Lenses

Author: Linnie Caye

Undergraduate Academic Journal

Through Gendered Lenses– An Undergraduate Academic Journal in Gender Research and Scholarship

Through Gendered Lenses is a student-organized academic journal created with the purpose of fostering research in the broad field of Gender Studies and highlighting excellent gender-related work being done by undergraduate Notre Dame students across the university. We welcome submissions from all disciplines. Submissions must focus on gender topics, including but not limited to, sexuality, religion, the family, media, health, economics, culture, and violence.  Paper submissions are due on the last Friday in January by 5:00 PM. We encourage students not to wait until the deadline to submit the paper. The Journal will be released in April.

The student needs only to send the double-spaced original research paper in 12-pt font, in .doc format, and in English to as soon as it is finished.

They should also include in the email:

  • The student’s name
  • The title of his or her paper
  • The name of any other publication where the submission is being considered
  • A statement confirming that the essay has not previously been published
  • Details about IRB approval (if necessary)

Written submissions should be 10-40 pages in length and must represent original scholarship by the author.  All submissions will be vetted by the Journal's editorial board, which is comprised of various members of the Gender Studies Honor Society. It will select a range of papers and/or artistic works that will represent gender scholarship across disciplines and departments. The most outstanding submissions will be published in the hard copy of the Journal. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Best Wishes,
The Gender Studies Honor Society


A note from Prof. Palko: Students are welcome to submit to either the conference or the journal or both; simultaneous submissions of the same project to both are permissible.