Catherine Perry

Author: Linnie Caye

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, organized 3 panels on women in Islam as represented in Francophone literature and film, “Femmes d’islam dans la littérature et le film francophones,” at the annual convention of the “Conseil International d’Études Francophones” (CIĒF, Council on International Francophone Studies), Montreal, Canada, 27 June – 4 July 2010, In one of the panels, Catherine Perry presented the paper entitled “Silence, elle parle: Anna de Noailles, femme ‘orientale’, entre Pierre Loti et Maurice Barrès.”

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, is the author of “Anna de Noailles et Rilke: Des affinités électives?” (forthcoming)

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, wrote an introduction to the chapter on 19th- and 20th- century poetry in French Women Poets of Nine Centuries: The Distaff and the Pen, a bilingual anthology of women’s poetry in French from the Middle Ages to the present. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2008. 517–38:

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, helped organize the symposium on “The Place of Islam in Contemporary European Literature,” University of Notre Dame, 16–17 November 2009, at which several women writers were prominent. With her colleague Alison Rice, also in French and Francophone Studies, she is editing a special issue of the journal Religion and Literature, showcasing most essays for this symposium.

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, is listed in Who’s Who in American Women (2010), Who's Who in America (2009), and Who’s Who in the World (2011).

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, is the recipient of an Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, University of Notre Dame, April 2010.

Catherine Perry, French and Francophone Studies, is an appointed Delegate to the Modern Language Association (2010-2013), for the Francophone Literatures and Cultures Division of the Modern Language Association.

Catherine Perry