Job Posting: Coordinator for 2017 Intersectional Inquiries and Collaborative Action: Gender & Race Conference

Author: Linnie Caye

This conference is being hosted by the Gender Studies Program and will be held at Notre Dame from March 2-4, 2017.  The Organizing Committee is looking for a Notre Dame graduate student to help us with planning.  Further details about the conference and the position are outlined below.

If you’re interested in applying for this position, please submit a brief letter of application explaining your interests in this position and your administrative experience, along with a current CV.  Please direct this material and any questions to Mary Celeste Kearney, Director of Gender Studies, <>. 

Applications are due by 5 pm on Friday, August 26, 2016.

About the Conference:

The Intersectional Inquiries conference will offer a platform for scholars from various fields to interrogate the intersections of race and gender--as manifested materially and discursively--from a broad range of historical, global, and contemporary contexts.  We call on scholars, activists, and students to rigorously attend to the ways that race structures gender, sexualities, class, and dis/ability and the dominating matrices of biopolitical violence and imperialism, as well as to trace how racialized subjectivities and non-normative embodiments challenge and radically fracture hierarchy.  With this conference, our hope is to inspire impactful intellectual dialogue and assist in building ties that might lead to scholarly- and social justice-focused collaborations.  Our confirmed keynote speaker is Professor Patricia Hill Collins, Distinguished University Professor of Sociology at the University of Maryland, College Park.  


Conference Coordinator:

The Conference Coordinator will help the Organizing Committee and Program Committee with conference planning.  Duties will likely include: 

- manage the conference email account and respond to questions from proposers, attendees, and exhibitors

- notify proposers of acceptance/rejection

- manage the registration list

- proofread the Conference Program

- assist with publicity

- coordinate with book exhibitors

- help with troubleshooting during the conference.


The Coordinator will not be responsible for managing the conference budget, making travel or hotel arrangements, reviewing proposals, drafting the conference schedule, managing meals and refeshments, or providing technical support during the conference.

The Coordinator’s work during September will be fairly minimal and focused mostly on email management. October through December will be busier with notifications to proposers, registration, and program preparation.  Late February and early March will be busiest with final preparations for the conference.

Salary: $1000.00.

Conference Organizing Committee: Tara Hudson (CSC), Z'étoile Imma (English), Mary Celeste Kearney (FTT), and Christine Venter (Law), University of Notre Dame