Katherine M. Lukas '12

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Katherine M. Lukas

Graduation year: 2012

Majors/Minors: Marketing major, Gender Studies minor


I chose to minor in Gender Studies after recognizing the gendered nature of buying behavior and purchasing power. Female consumers control 70-80% of the purchasing power in our global economy, and yet so many brands fail to tailor their products and services to this demographic. Thus, my education in Gender Studies has prepared me for a career in Public Relations where I plan to use my interdisciplinary background in Gender Studies to bolster client initiatives and shed light on an often ignored subject in Marketing. I have the Gender Studies Department to thank for introducing me to an incredible internship opportunity with Bridget Brennan at The Female Factor, where I conducted secondary research on principles of female-friendly retail and helped clients develop stronger gender-specific business plans. This incredible internship was made even more significant with the support of the Boehnen Grant in Gender Studies, which funded my research and allowed me greater freedom in my studies. I will build upon this foundation starting this summer where I'll be working at PR firm Zeno Group's Chicago office.