Katie Lee '16

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Katie Lee

Graduation year: 2016

Majors/Minors: Economics, Gender Studies majors


I quickly developed an interest in Gender Studies after arriving at Notre Dame, and I tried to engage in all the opportunities the Program offers to its students. As a sophomore, I conducted research in the Mendoza College of Business to see if I could find any connections between the business school environment and the gross disparity that exists in the number of male and female Fortune 500 CEOs. I later presented my research at the Midwest Undergraduate Conference in Gender Studies held at Notre Dame, which allowed me to connect with other gender studies students from across the country. As a junior, I embarked on another research endeavor using a grant graciously provided by the Gender Studies Program, this time studying the relationship between masculinity and violence in the United States. In addition, I served as Editor in Chief of Through Gendered Lenses, the undergraduate research journal sponsored by the Honors Society.

I am extremely grateful to the Gender Studies Program at Notre Dame for making a vast array of academic and professional enrichment experiences available to me. As a result of the program, I have become a better reader, writer and thinker, and these are skills I will carry with me as I pursue a career in law after graduating from Notre Dame.