Kellene Johnson McMillan '93

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Graduation year: 1993

Majors/Minors: Psychology with Gender Studies Concentration


Current occupation: Insurance Coverage Attorney/Litigator (Not particularly gender related)


Favorite Gender Studies class/professor/memory from your experience at Notre Dame:

My favorite teacher and class was Gender and the Law (at the law school) by Professor Phelps. My favorite memory was when she had us all over for dinner at her house from the class. She was a great teacher and a nice lady.


Your experience with Gender Studies/gender issues at Notre Dame:

Gender Studies was great because I got to take so many awesome cross-listed classes that I might not otherwise be able to get into without the gender studies preference. Loved the film classes and the philosophy classes. Gender Studies was a breath of fresh air at Notre Dame.


How your Gender Studies education has impacted your life:

I secretly take great pleasure in the fact that most of my clients have no idea that a liberal, feminist democrat is representing them. It gives me the chance to provide advice they might not otherwise hear if they were listening to men/women that lean towards their conservative side.


Your hopes for the future of Gender Studies at Notre Dame:

That it wouldn’t be necessary to study gender at Notre Dame because the genders are equal. But, that’s not likely to happen at Notre Dame, or anywhere else frankly. It was very worthwhile for me to get my Gender Studies concentration and it complimented my psychology degree very well.