Kelley Tuthill '92

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Graduation year: 1992

Majors/Minors: American Studies/Gender Studies


Current occupation: Reporter, WCVB-TV Boston


Favorite Gender Studies class/professor/memory from your experience at Notre Dame:

I have wonderful memories of several gender studies professors including Kathleen Biddick, Sonia Gernes and Janet Kourany.


Your experience with Gender Studies/gender issues at Notre Dame:

My gender studies classes were some of the most exciting, interesting classes of my ND experience. It’s hard to explain, but it was fun being a part of a new program.


How your Gender Studies education has impacted your life:

My Gender Studies education helped me look at history, theology and literature from a different perspective. It definitely broadened my approach to academics. Gender Studies also helped me develop from a teenager into a more confident young woman. The professors were amazing role models.


Your hopes for the future of Gender Studies at Notre Dame:

I hope Gender Studies continues to be a vital part of the academic fabric of ND. This program has meant so much to the continued evolution of ND from a male institution to one where women and women’s studies take a central role.