Luciana Jansen '18

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Graduation year: 2018

Majors/Minors: Marketing & Gender Studies Double Major


When I first got to Notre Dame, I had no idea of what to expect. I knew I had some interest in pursuing a business degree, but I also knew that there were so many other options available I had to explore areas I could be interested in. I’m glad I started my undergraduate education with this mindset, otherwise I would not have found Gender Studies.

My decision to take the Gender Studies introductory course was one of the best choices I have made as a student. For once, I was extremely interested and invested in the class I was taking, and I actually looked forward to discussing important issues with my peers and professors. I had the chance to engage in rich and mind-opening discussions that are not commonly found in some of the business classes I take. The variety of courses I can take through Gender Studies allows me to pick and choose the ones that work best with my interests and some that supplement my Marketing major.

In addition to the classroom, Gender Studies has greatly impacted my undergraduate education by providing a generous scholarship which helped me complete my 2017 summer internship at a digital marketing agency in Chicago. The ability to apply my GS education to any professional area is a valuable skill that inspires me to continue pursuing my interests. By joining Triota, the Gender Studies Honor Society, I hoped to help Gender Studies reach out to other students so they will also have the opportunity to pursue an education that inspires positive change in themselves and in others.