Meghan Watts '18

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Meghan Watts Web Small

Graduation year: 2018

Majors/Minors: English, Gender Studies, Education, Schooling, and Society


I got started with Gender Studies my sophomore year at Notre Dame, almost by accident. I took the intro to try it out, and realized that I'd already taken two courses for English that could also be counted as Gender Studies - issues of gender were the sort of classes that I found myself drawn to. Through a grant from the Gender Studies Department, I was able to accept an unpaid marketing internship, which was absolutely a very valuable experience in many ways - not the least of which being the confidence to say that I don't see a future for myself in marketing. Through book clubs, working with Triota on For Gendered Lenses and attending tons of information nights at the Gender Studies table, I have really loved my time with Gender Studies outside of the classroom, and this department has allowed me to feel that I have a place, a voice, and a role to play.