Patrick Lasseter '08

Author: Andrea Martinez Dominguez

Graduation year: 2008

Majors/Minors: History & Gender Studies majors


Current occupation: Lead Teacher at North Panola High School in Sardis, MS


Favorite Gender Studies class/professor/memory from your experience at Notre Dame:

I enjoyed all my Gender Studies classes, especially Sex, Sexuality, and Gender in the U.S. (both semesters). I was initially hooked after taking Gender Theory with Krista Duttenhaver. Maybe the toughest class I took at ND, it challenged me in ways that affect me today.


Your experience with Gender Studies/gender issues at Notre Dame:

Everyone in the program was extremely welcoming. The professors I had in the program were all open-minded and promoted great discussion among their classes.


How your Gender Studies education has impacted your life:

Gender Studies has shaped my views on gender, class, and race. As a high school teacher, I took the opportunity to engage my students on issues related to their experience in a high-poverty rural area of Mississippi. Without Gender Studies, I do not think I would have been able to have those conversations.


Your hopes for the future of Gender Studies at Notre Dame:

I hope that Gender Studies has continued success and that more male students investigate the great course offerings!