Teaching Apprenticeships

Learn Gender Studies Pedagogy and Mentor Students

Gender Studies offers our graduate minors the opportunity to serve as Teaching Apprentices in our program. This is an excellent opportunity for students to strengthen their knowledge and pedagogical skills by getting concrete experience teaching Gender Studies courses.

In the fall semester, two Teaching Apprentices serve as teaching assistants to our Associate Director, who instructs our Introduction to Gender Studies class. As teaching assistants, the Teaching Apprentices participate in the annual review and updating of the course syllabus, help assess student work, discuss papers with students, and meet weekly with the Associate Director to discuss the course and gender studies pedagogy. In the spring semester, the Teaching Apprentices co-teach the class, and the Associate Director serves in an advisory capacity offering feedback on their teaching. 

“Serving as a Teaching Apprentice was such an amazing opportunity to get a sense of the different methodologies and frameworks used in areas outside of literary studies. It was also a tremendous moment of growth because co-teaching allowed each of us to play to our strengths while allowing me to witness a different approach toward teaching gender studies.”


—Angel Matos, PhD English ’16

Apply to be a Teaching Apprentice

To apply for one of these positions, interested applicants should send a cover letter (including the name of their advisor and home department DGS as well as expected year of graduation), a current CV, and a list of Gender Studies courses they have completed to gender@nd.edu. No previous teaching experience is necessary to apply, but applicants must be Gender Studies graduate students in good standing.

The deadline for application submission is 5:00 PM on the second Friday in February.

Because our Teaching Apprentices are part of an instructional team, we evaluate applicants not only as individual candidates, but also as potential collaborative partners with other prospective Teaching Apprentices. Teams are selected based on the combined factors of prior experience, demonstrated interest in and commitment to the interdisciplinary field of gender studies, teaching philosophy, and diversity and compatibility of interests and approaches. Finalists are invited to interview in person with the Associate Director. 

2024–2025 Teaching Apprentices

Tirna Chandra (English)

Francesca Freeman (Peace Studies)