Praxis Award Winners

Mollie McKone '24
- Political Science Major and Gender Studies Supplementary Major

Lane Obringer '24 - Psychology Major



Matthew Bisner '22
 – Political Science Major; Peace Studies supplementary major and Gender Studies Minor
The 2021 award was given to Matty Bisner in recognition of their social justice work at Notre Dame, including in PrismND, in Student Government, and in organizing mutual aid responses to the Covid pandemic.

2021 - no award given

Peyton Davis ’20
– English Major and Gender Studies supplementary major
Anne Jarrett ’20 – Gender Studies and Philosophy major
The 2020 Joan Aldous Praxis Award has been given to two students: Peyton Davis ’20 (English and Gender Studies) and Anne Jarrett ’20 (Gender Studies and Philosophy). Through internships, service, and the arts, as well as organizing and activist work, both Peyton and Anne have worked tirelessly during the last four years to make their communities — including the University of Notre Dame — more inclusive and just.

Amy Mansfield '19
– Gender Studies Major and Psychology Major
The 2019 Joan Aldous Praxis Award was given to Amy Mansfield in recognition of her work at the intersections of gender and disability justice as the project manager for the Gender Studies Bathroom Map. Amy's work was central to the successful completion and launch of the map in Spring 2019.

Emily Garrett '18 – Gender Studies Major and English Major
The inaugural award was given in 2018 to Emily Garrett in recognition of her work on issues related to reproductive justice at Notre Dame and beyond.